Our Spratt = Cruse Family History Website

Research on the Cruse side of the Family Tree - Attwell / Willmer

In this view of Eileen's ancestors we show William Attwell, the father of Ellen Willmer, he was one of Eileen's Gt-Gt-Grandparents.  This line was a puzzle, as on Ellen Willmer's marriage certificate it clearly says; "Father, William Attwell, watchmaker" and she is described as a 'spinster'.  We suspected that Ellen was illegitimate and solved this puzzle, but now wonder why her mother ever became involved with William Attwell.  This is one of the fascinating aspects of family history - every time you solve one query you are presented with something else to puzzle over.  

William Attwell lived in Uxbridge, Middlesex with his first wife Harriett and they had one daughter and had been married for 24 years when he and Emma Willmer had Ellen. Ellen was born whilst her mother lived in Langley-Marish, Buckinghamshire. After William's first wife died in 1845 he married Anna Kearney in 1851 in the City of London and he continued to live in Uxbridge until he died in 1866. The Census entries for 1841, 1851 and 1861 show him as a Watchmaker and Jeweller and in his will he leaves money and effects to his brothers, sisters and a niece, but their is no mention of Ellen Willmer or her mother.

  Page updated 14 February 2018